18 definitions by LuvH8Luv

Amburnt: when a person needs to take better care of their own well being in just about every aspect of their life. From years of not legitimately suffering thru life’s issues and learning from them. But instead they cope with trauma by using drugs or alcohol. Generally a word used for addicts of meth who haven't had a healthy amount of sleep which makes them unreasonable with false sense of entitlement and delusions of grandeur amongst many other poor human characteristics. Word is believed to have been 1st used by frustrated people who were friends with a female named Amber , who had severe personality disorder plus drug addict. Also hasn't had a healthy nor meaningful relationship ever due to reasons mentioned above but not limited to those reasons.

Submitted by LuvH8Luv
I’m so tired of being stuck with a malignant narcissist who is constantly creating turmoil and provoking me to defend my good nature only to be gaslighted as if the problem she created is all my fault. I doubt more sleep, more care or even mental healthcare professional could maje her realize the errors of her ways. Can’t help someone who is that severely amburnt . I need to run the opposite direction from someone that toxic. If only there was a warning system for her type. I would issue a ‘Amburnt Alert’’ to warn others of her.
by LuvH8Luv November 8, 2022
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City Hall door knob: see definition for ‘town bike

In regards to a very promiscuous and slutty female. Who has had sexual encounters with just about everyone in the city. Or wouldn’t have a problem attempting to. Everyone gets a turn. Just like a door knob at the city hall.

Submitted by LuvH8Luv
When asking my friend if that hot Slut Jaclyn would be at the swingers party. He told me that she had become the city hall door knob the last he heard. And from that risky lifestyle ended up giving a turn to the wrong guy who then turned her out as a prostitute. The pimp soon realized she wasn’t a good earner since she was so use to giving it out for free and given her history with bedding down with nearly all the residents in the city , at one point in time or another without ever asking the guy for money. There wasn’t a single man who was willing to pay for a dirty town bike which they have all ridden for free. What a shame I thought. Cause she was fun and good to look at. Guess It is a Fine line between a fun ho. And a dumb and ruined one.
by LuvH8Luv December 27, 2022
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Luv H8 Luv ; screen name of Gen X who began websites in the adult movie industry focused on member participation with movie and scene ratings. Often leaving an actual commentary review like siskel and ebert would for mainstream Hollywood films but instead for porn. Its been said LuvH8Luv’s is credited to tapping into the serious and objective porn enthusiast community. He is also known for the following screen names. NewLevel , aNew Level, PornCritic1, The 1, and Voyeur Andy, though theres been debate about if his name is even Andy at all. You can find several of his coined phrases here on urban dictionary as well. His name stems from a ‘Alice in Chains’ song from the bands first record ‘FaceLift’ and has fit his reputation thus far since the porn community within the industry and fan base alike have a mixed and quite divided opinion of LubH8Luv’s often edgy always strongly opinionated and informative but witty reviews. You either hate the guy or love his writing style. Video Box and its affiliates have given him full access to all sites during launch and was essential to getting new members involved with in the review and comment section . Now its a normal aspect for most sites . A truly crafty pioneer in this field.

Submitted by: the ‘No Jack hammers society’ and ‘the adult movie guild of euro nations against excessive man moans in porn
LuvH8Luv is what most would feel after watching porn. Felt good during but a sense of guilt and self hatred of shame would come over yourself much like how the girl must feel at the end or even during a bukake party. Either loved it or hated it.
by LuvH8Luv October 27, 2022
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Pube digger : is a big pointy nose often with a slight downward hook at tip of nose. on a female who is known to give good oral sex. Used to describe a girl who isn’t much to look at but gives incredible oral sex deep throating and smashing her big nose into the pubic hairs as she goes down and up like she’s digging for pubic hairs with her nose. Can be taken as an insult or a compliment depending on the context it’s used in or how sensitive one is to their big nose which is often the 1st thing that people notice.

Submitted by Luv H8 Luv
When trying to find my blind date my friend has set me up with, all I could see was her very witch like nose. All it needed was a mole on it to be witch worthy. But instead of being discouraged by the sight. I kept optimistic that by the end of evening she would be a talented Pube digger.
by LuvH8Luv December 9, 2022
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Chungra: also known as chungry. Simply put is when a chinese person’s stomach growls from hunger pangs. Also used if you are chinese and have the munchies from smoking marijuana.

Submitted by LuvH8Luv
My chinese friend told me he was chungry from fasting for the last few days. Which was totally obvious from the loud chungra rumbles his empty stomach was emitting.

My asian buddy was so chungra he ate everyones food from our frat party. Ive never seen anyone that chungry in awhile.
by LuvH8Luv November 8, 2022
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Snap back pussy : when a mother of multiple kids still has a tight vagina to not only accommodate large penis but can also satisfy the sub standard to average sized penis with a snug tight fit. Usually a term used shortly after giving birth to child to describe a MiLF’s vagina in complementary way.

Submitted by LuvH8Luv
Im the luckiest man I know. My wife is not only beautiful smart and fun. Shes a great mother plus after giving me 4 great looking kids. Her snap back pussy feels better than ever! Its why we have 4 kids together.
by LuvH8Luv March 13, 2022
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Shegaloh. Is a transgender or crossdresser who is a prostitute. A term used to describe flamboyant transgenders who frequent karaoke bar scenes and are actually quite talented as a performer in that respect but is prone to being a diva type with unreasonable expectations and a false sense of entitlement due to having a good singing voice. Believed to have been used first by young children making fun of a singing trans prostitute. Instead of an opera singer singing ‘Vee garo veegaro! “ it would be ‘shee golo shee golo” derives from the words gigolo and she. Which once was an oxymoron like jumbo shrimp but is now normalized. The “h” at end is used as a added surprise added to word like “ oh ..i didnt know she was a he”

Submitted by LuvH8Luv
When I saw Kenny backstage with that shegaloh during the karaoke event , it confirmed to me not only does he like hairy woman but he also likes shims who were once hairy but shaved smooth. Thats the last time I agree to a 3some with his girlfriend. Now that its known he plays with shegalohs. Maybe that shegaloh will share some shaving techniques cause Kenny’s girlfriend was hairy like a wolf! Uh oh… was she a trans too? What have I possibly done? What a world we live in when one can’t even be sure of what sex a person is anymore. Little did I know, my therapist i was talking to about all this was in fact that same shegaloh at the bar with Kenny. And was a crossdresser on weekends and married with wife and kids. Ironic it is since my therapist is the one who needs therapy. And its situations like this that make normal people feel like they need to seek therapy. Needless to say, I dont go to therapy or karaoke bars anymore . But oddly like my woman with a bush now..
by LuvH8Luv November 16, 2022
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