1 definition by Lord_Billiam

A badass metal band from Richmond, Virginia. Randy Blythe, Mark Morton, Will Adler, John Campbell, and Chris Adler make up this incredible force. With their amazing technical riffs, their killer drums, and of course the brutal and piercing vocals of Randy Blythe, it's no wonder they're one of todays youths' favorite metal bands. With 4 studio albums (New American Gospel, As The Palaces Burn, Ashes of the Wake, and Sacrament)and 2 DVD's (Killadelphia and Walk With Me In Hell) they're material is amazing and they're music will live and play forever.
you don't need an example of Lamb of God. When you see 2 bunnies spontaneously combust, you know its Lamb of God
by Lord_Billiam July 18, 2008
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