2 definitions by Lofty-J

Said in the film "Mean Girls" by Janis Ian when describing Regina George.

It insinuates that the girl in question has the facial apperance of a slut and she has the personality and vaginal wideness of a prostitute or "ho".
Don't be fooled, because she may seem like your typical selfish, back-stabbing, slut-faced ho-bag. But in reality, she is so much more than that.

by Lofty-J June 16, 2008
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The fusion of 'mega' and 'retard'.
Noun used to signify someone thats really retarded.
Girl1: Hey, did you hear about the latest swine flu outbreaks?

Girl2: HAHAHAHA OMG you idiot, it's bird flu, not swine flu!

Girl1: Damn you're a megatard.

Girl2: I thought swines were birds?
by Lofty-J June 3, 2009
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