42 definitions by Lizard boots and Lipshitz

The girls showed greater nimbility on the high ropes course than the boys.
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A gathering of four or more friends or acquaintances who suffer from extraordinary flatulance.
I'll think we'll skip the foul wind ensemble tonight if we serve something other than chili.
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Describing a cat falling spasticly from a high place.
That catalanche broke some of my favorite china dishes!
by Lizard boots and Lipshitz July 25, 2019
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Actions that would be deemed as perverted. A personality trait that has a perverted slant.
Bob is Pervacious and makes my girlfriend uncomfortable.
by Lizard boots and Lipshitz August 14, 2019
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N: a large area used both as a cafeteria and an auditorium.
Miss Smith's class is in the auditeria.
by Lizard boots and Lipshitz August 13, 2019
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