5 definitions by Lickloled

Post URL Stress Syndrome: A condition where you have cycled through your regular websites and can't think of any new websites to visit thus making you feel stressed and depressed at the same time and leaving you to question the meaning of life and making you tempted to go into the horrible place they call "outside"
Man I'm really feeling the "P.U.S.S" today, I already finished looking at my favorite websites what am I going to do with the rest of my day, I suddenly feel so small and inadequate maybe I'll go for a walk.
by Lickloled May 13, 2013
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Where one day you feel on top of the world and you could take on anyone and the next day a virus is kicking your ass and you are so weak you can barely open or lift anything.
Day 1: I feel like I could take on anyone today. Come at me bro!

Day 2: Ugh!! I am think I am dying, someone come take care of me...I have been "Viralated"
by Lickloled May 13, 2013
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A sarcastic term used to describe an event or experience that was not really enjoyable to anyone and thus should be avoided in the future and usually a sign you may never see that person ever again. Similar to "it's been real" but more direct in definition.
I have to go now "it's been fun" I really enjoyed your party, but I really have to get going, maybe we can do it again sometime.
by Lickloled May 13, 2013
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Where you think you are clicking on a link to see hot or nude photo of someone, only to directed to a nasty photo of an ugly person.
"click here to see hot nude picture of supermodel" Ahh man I have been"Ick Rolled" nasty!!!
by Lickloled May 13, 2013
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A girl with variable levels of virginity, usually a girl who claims she is/was a virgin but does not act like a virgin in bed and further accounts of past relationships leaves doubts as to how much of a virgin she really is. This often leads to a internal struggle in a guys head as to whether he has really conquered a real virgin or not.
Guy 1: That girl I have been dating says she was a virgin.

Guy 2: Really? Nice!!

Guy 1: Yeah, but she seemed more experienced than I am in bed and she says she's dated lots of guys, I find it hard to believe she really was a virgin.

Guy 2: So you think she was lying?

Guy 1: I don't know, I think she has more experience than what she says she has, I think she is more of a "Varigin" than anything.
by Lickloled May 13, 2013
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