2 definitions by LaVarious.com

Someone whose face looks like it has been hit with a backpack full of books at high speed, thus welting with lacerations and appearing like kernels of corn.
Blaine: Snap, that bitch is hot!
Nigel: What the hell are you talking about, she is a damn corn face?!
by LaVarious.com July 7, 2005
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Term meaning “kiss my fist” or similar to “knuckle sandwich” and is used in the English language like “kiss my ass”. Basically means you are going to punch said person in the face for being retarded.
Blaine: “Hey, want to go down to the park and make-out like we are the Hanson brothers?”
Nigel: “Hey, want to suckle the knuckle?!”
by LaVarious.com May 23, 2006
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