1 definition by Kyubert

Fluttershy is a character in the popular TV show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Sporting long pink hair as well as yellow skin and feathers, she's seen as an introvert and shy kind of character. She, like Rainbow Dash She can sometimes be assertive, as seen in Season 1, but this was scrapped in Season 3.

The older, male fanbase (bronies) like her because of how cute she can be, and she is also seen as one of the most hated characters in My Little Pony due to her fanbase. In humanisations of My Little Pony (excluding the official movie, Equestria Girls), she is typically drawn with inflated breasts.
"Fluttershy isn't the best pony, but she's pretty cute."
by Kyubert June 8, 2013
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