16 definitions by Kyle Biddle

something you tell someone when they take so much medication, they have to keep taking pills, for instance, you take a pill to take away a headache, but the side effect is diarriha, so you take a pill for that, then you take a pill for that side effect, and so on
why the fuck do i need an example i explained the whole thing ^^
by Kyle Biddle July 24, 2004
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the creator of autorune, a packet hack for runescape
kaitnieks is so fucking leet, he made autorune, (yes kaitnieks is a guy) see kaitnieks.com
by Kyle Biddle July 24, 2004
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A hard keylogger for antivirus' to detect, thus being near perfect
OMFG bpk hax0red my runescape account
by Kyle Biddle August 3, 2004
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A very nice guy, also a moderator at rscheatnet and is a hisorical cheater on runescape, a very famos person when it comes to runescape
evilcowgod is so fucking 1337
by Kyle Biddle July 24, 2004
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Asswipes! the new toliet paper! 200% more absorbent then any other toliet paper!
i wish the toliet paper "asswipes" were real :D
by Kyle Biddle August 3, 2004
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something that nobody understands, like when someone says some random crap and you dont understand it
jackass: suck my jagon
me: wtf? thats like a lion on a cheesegrader
by Kyle Biddle August 3, 2004
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