1 definition by Kvinne

A not so common girls name, most widespread in Nordic and Germanic countries. Derives from Old Norse "heilagr" meaning "holy, blessed".

The name has become somewhat a cliché, regarded by some with to many negative connotations. Partly becouse of the famous '70s and '80s porn star Helga Sveen, and the popularity of the name during Hitler's nazi-Germany.

A popular myth suggests the name is synonymous with an unattractive and/or unfeminine woman. Take a trip to Norway or Iceland, and you'll be proven wrong;-)
Man: "Kommst du Helga!?"
Helga: "Eh... What?"
Man: "Ooh, Helga!"
Helga: "Gah, I'm tired of hearing that. Go away!"
by Kvinne July 22, 2008
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