3 definitions by Kosmos28

Also known by acronyms like BnS or B&S, it's a martial arts-themed MMORPG by Korean company NCSoft. It features good graphics, an amazing character creator (where you could make almost any character you want), and you could even glide/fly. There are also nice references throughout to other works such as references to Lovecraft, Raymond Chandler, Milton, G.R.R. Martin and "The Dark Knight", if one likes spotting those. BnS uses a fun action-combat system that uses crosshairs to aim, which makes combat interesting.

But since NCSoft is an incompetent company, BnS suffers as a result. Some of the things that they've done include:

-Adding gear upgrade materials into the cash shop.

-Nerfing daily quest and dungeon rewards to make players do the new content, which largely had the opposite effect and stalled gear upgrading.

-Removing optional (blue) and daily quests from some areas, which made the world seem more lifeless.

-Nerfing rewards from events and making events less appealing.

-Trying ways to make people buy stuff from the cash shop.

-One needs an absurd amount of materials to upgrade gear. It turns it into a boring, dead grind, not a fun, interesting one.

And the community is almost as toxic as Black Desert Online. There are your usual neckbeards, edgelords and weeaboos, but there are also many elitists who refuse to party up with you for dungeons since they have high attack/weapon preferences and act like rich oligarchs.
Person A: Have you played Blade and Soul?

Person B: Yes, it has good graphics and fun combat. But the increasing p2w, incompetence and boring gear grind were terrible. The community is also very toxic and is full of elitists.
by Kosmos28 November 4, 2018
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A subreddit on Reddit that is used to discuss MMO-related stuff and to recommend MMOs to people. Unfortunately, the place is also swarming with angry, butthurt manchildren that want every MMO to be catered to their tastes. They spend more time doing the following activities:

1. Bashing each others' MMOs in an attempt to make themselves feel superior or to make themselves feel better.

2. Whining, complaining, and nitpicking every single aspect of a MMO down to the molecular level. (ie I don't like this type of combat, I like that type, I won't play it, then follows with more whining).

3. Trying to create their own echo chambers, which sometimes border on extremist levels. Is well known for having an anti-Korean MMO echo chamber.

4. Finding anything that is remotely considered to be p2w. They label anything and everything as p2w. Even a pay to play product or a buy to play product is p2w to these morons, because through some sort of mental gymnastics buying a product in order to use it is p2w. They probably think having to buy groceries from a supermarket is p2w.

5. They're always looking for a new MMO to call home. Perhaps, they should just be happy with what they have. Expecting too much leads to unhappiness, which is what happened with these manchildren.
Person A: I want to look for a new MMO to play.

Person B: Have you tried r/mmorpg?

Person : Hell no, that place is swarming with manchildren.
by Kosmos28 October 29, 2018
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Also known by its acronym BDO. It's a popular Korean MMORPG that's developed and published by Pearl Abyss and Kakao. It has some of the most beautiful graphics that one could find in the MMO genre and can be described as photorealistic. Simultaneously, it also has one of the best character customization in the genre. You truly could make your character look unique with it. Furthermore, it also has an action combat system, which makes combat and fighting mobs fun and enjoyable.

Unfortunately, that's all that's good about it since the demerits outweigh the merits. BDO has an infinite grind without any end. You will be tediously doing the same thing over and over again. It also has an annoying gear upgrade system that's reliant almost entirely on RNG or chance. And the p2w elements. It has a lot of them ranging from pets that automatically collect loot for you to items that help you with your gear. Just to add to the hilarity, you can actually get better rewards from just going AFK instead of actively playing, therefore a lot those players in the towns that you see are actually AFK.

And the toxic player base, which is one of the worst parts. If you're going to play this, prepare for a lot of casual racism in the chat. BDO is filled with neckbeards, weeaboos, and other weirdos. It's one of the most toxic communities around. And if you want to see worse, try the BDO discord. It's filled with people spamming each other with racist memes, anime porn pictures, gore, etc.
Person A: Have you tried this new MMORPG Black Desert Online?

Person B: Yes, it has pretty graphics and fun combat, but unfortunately it has infinite grind, an annoying gear upgrade system and one of the most toxic communities around. Pass.
by Kosmos28 October 29, 2018
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