13 definitions by Kix

Anyone who is currently riding the hobby horse with the cute blue guy from PVP.
Anyone who DESIRES to ride the hobby horse with said cute blue guy.
Man that Robbie is such a Skullfucker.
by Kix May 5, 2004
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What the window says before it shosw you a popup for goatse.cx or something similarly evil.
I pressed Alt-F4 when the about:blank window popped up.
by Kix May 4, 2004
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1. Keep Fooling Customers.
2: Kentucky Fried Crow.
3: Killing Farm Chickens.
4: Kippered Fried Chocobo.
5: Kentucky Felched Crap.
7: Keep Furries Contained.
Man, that KFC is some good eatin'.
by Kix May 4, 2004
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1. A dying breed of decent human beings due to the fact that women hate them (see feminist).
2. Guys who can't get any.
3. ME.
Have you thought about dating him? He's such a nice Christian gentleman.
by Kix May 4, 2004
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1. A great comic (Amercian manga) by war veteran Fred Perry about cute girls who go on archaeological expeditions. Was around even BEFORE video game star Lara Croft. Also features arguably the most beautiful catgirl ever, Brittany "Cheetah" Diggers.
2. Also Gina Diggers' (the main character) nickname.
Man that last issue of Gold Digger was really good! I couldn't stop turning the pages, and when I turned the last page, I wished I had more pages to turn!
by Kix May 4, 2004
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The ridiculously numerous offspring of an irresponsible mother (see clownshoes who doesn't watch her children properly, allows the kids to do whatever they please, and sits around watching TV all day talking on the phone with her friends, and then DENY your allegations of bad parenting and tell you that you have no right telling her how to raise 'her' kids.

It is to be noted that Bebe's kids would not exist if she kept her skirt in the DOWNWARD more often.
Man look at that little girl, running around the restaurant... Oh my God... she broke into the plastic toy display and her mother isn't even watching her! What a Bebe's Kid!
by Kix May 4, 2004
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An excuse for people to act like uninhibited promiscuous clownshoes.
My cousin went off to spring break.
by Kix May 5, 2004
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