46 definitions by Kilkrazy

The world's major machine tools trade fair, held every two years on a six year cycle moving between Hannover/Hannover/Milan.

See http://www.emo-hannover.de/ for more information.
EMO Hannover 2005
The world of machine tools
by Kilkrazy June 8, 2005
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A top shelf magazine contains 'men's interest material', making it unsuitable for minors to look at and therefore it is put out of their reach on the top shelf in the newsagent.
"If you're looking for 'Shaven Asian Babes' you'll find it on the top shelf."
by Kilkrazy June 30, 2004
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Onomatopoeia describing the sound of a slow explosion cause by the ignition of a large amount of inflammable substance such as petrol.
A driver, foolishly smoking while filling his car, dropped his fag end into a pool of spilled petrol. 'Worf', the entire filling station went sky-high.
by Kilkrazy January 5, 2005
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An ironic or sarcastic phrase. It's used in unfortunate situations caused by bad luck or stupidity, to indicate annoyance and incomprehension at the undesireable turn of events. It derives from the Star Wars movies, where Jedi characters use The Force to perform various unlikely acts.
Person A. The car has run out of petrol.

Person B. Great! How are we going to get to the wedding on time? Use The Force?
by Kilkrazy January 2, 2005
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