46 definitions by Kilkrazy

Someone who is so worthless that the planet as a whole would be better off if he/she was dead, because he/she is consuming food that could go to the starving of Africa.
"??? is a waste of food."
by Kilkrazy June 30, 2004
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Adjective, used to describe situations, places, people and so on which are likely to provoke amusement and excitement. Derives from the joyful hooting that will arise.
"That new film looks pretty hooty."
by Kilkrazy July 1, 2004
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Cricket practice equipment consisting of a single wicket surrounded by nets which prevent the ball being hit a long way. Used for practising bowling and batting without fielders.
"Training today will be nets at 10 until lunch, then a pick-up game in the afternoon."
by Kilkrazy July 1, 2004
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Phrasal verb -- "to cool up" -- (transitive or intransitive). It means to improve the cool of something or someone.
This car design is too dull. We need to cool it up.

The candidate is uninteresting. He needs to cool up.
by Kilkrazy August 18, 2004
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Japanese adjective meaning horny, sexually arousing or explicit, or sexually aroused. Derived from the sound for the Roman letter H, which is the first letter in the Japanese adjective Hentai
"The etchi magazines are kept on the top shelf."
by Kilkrazy July 1, 2004
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Noun. A round tuuit is a very useful piece of equipment for the office, workshop or home, which allows the posessor to tackle any number of tasks.

In fact, without a round tuuit, it's hard to get anything done.
A) When can you finish those schedules I need?

B) I'll do them when I get a round tuuit.
by Kilkrazy January 9, 2005
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A project management term used to describe technical processes, particularly programming, to people who wouldn't understand them if they were described fully.
We'll rough you up a set of graphics and a project definition. When you've signed that off, we'll do stuff until the project is finished. The stuff will probably take about 3 months.
by Kilkrazy January 10, 2005
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