5 definitions by Kibble3

The most acceptable way to express confusion. other similar words include:


I other words only an absolute * Kyle * would know to use the word hwat
Johnny: do you like steve cheese?

Kyle: Hwat?

Johnny: Hwat the fuck is up Kyle?!
Kyle: the sky

Kyle: I don't want to get political, but hwat is cheese?

Johnny: hwat do you think?? STEVE CHEESE?
by Kibble3 March 15, 2021
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When something deserves respect for being so... well special.
A: dude my brother just fucked my pillow

B: :deacy:

C: :deacy:

A: :deacy:

B: damn what a deacy moment
by Kibble3 May 29, 2020
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When you’re listening to music and you want to headbang.
A: bro I’m listening to music rn but it’s 2:00 am

B: oh cool so you can fall asleep?
A: fuck no! I’m listening to some headbangy shit!

B: gotcha
by Kibble3 May 29, 2020
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Putting random shit in the wrong places.

Normally used on certain godly discord servers.
A: *puts shoes in the oven*
B: aw man why’re you pulling an art?
A: that’s not the right usage of such a godly phrase!
by Kibble3 May 29, 2020
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When your man is too much of a pussy to let her see his small dick. He decides to shove a coke bottle down your throat while he holds your head.
A: hey man what happened last night?
B: uhm... nothing

A: oh I see. You pulled a coke bottle.
by Kibble3 May 29, 2020
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