4 definitions by Kerr

Gay plus slut equals glut.
When someone is homesexual(gay) and sleeps around. Comparable to slut in heterosexuals.
I've seen gluts before but that is the gluttiest glut i've EVER seen!
by Kerr June 23, 2005
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1. A call or greeting, informal. An acknowledgement of notice.

2. A more formal or greater acknowledgement or greeting than aru.

3. An acknowledgement response to aru.
*** Joe just entered the room.
Kerr: Aruga.

*** BetterThanJoe just entered the room.
Kerr: Aruga, BetterThanJoe!

*** JoeBob just entered the room.
Kerr: Aru, JoeBob.
JoeBob: Aruga.
by Kerr December 4, 2003
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Wait you arent going to do the shocker on me are you?
by Kerr June 23, 2005
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A mon or woman that has many random relationships with people online and over emails, but has never actually met these people in real life. In other words....pathetic
Oh shes an e-whore, shes always talking to some random guy she met over the internet.
by Kerr June 26, 2005
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