1 definition by KenoTheSalsaDawg

Lots of horribly, ungodly, dangerous stuff that grows from dirt. Like leaves, plants, bugs, and bears. Lots of bears.

NATURE JUST GROWS BEARS. and they climb in your windows. When nature gets in your window, sissy slap everything in a 5 mile radius to ensure complete safety of crack addicted bears. When one also encounters nature in their room when talking to a friend on AIM/Facebook or any other IMing devices, they should slap on their keyboard vigorously to make their point clear that nature has been seen and or dealt with in a mannor of more sissy slapping. Also when something goes wrong in a way you have no idea why it happened, just sissy slap your keyboard and put "nature" at the end of the product.

2. OIWGJHW498FU2938XRY2R389YX3489TNYQPIUEP98UM4PX9C384UY9P483UP983U4T9P8nature.

problem solved!
by KenoTheSalsaDawg August 18, 2010
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