4 definitions by JustKeepingItRealMan

The dudes that fought against slavery in the civil war.
Republican 1: I am proud that we beat the Democrats and freed our brothers.

Republican 2: I don't know if we really did man, the Democrats still hold them on the leash and keep them poor and on welfare in order to get their votes. *sigh*
by JustKeepingItRealMan March 8, 2019
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Transsexual Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - TOCD is a form of obsessive compulsive disorder that deals with one's gender identity. It's based around the fear that one might become or somehow is transsexual, with this notion going against all rationality and actuality of that person's gender identity as a cisgender.

This is not at all the same as closeted transpeople who may be afraid of social repercussions. It is not a fear of rejection by friends, peers or family, but rather is a fear of the being trans itself.

For those unsure about what this feels like, imagine getting the impulse to jump off a cliff. You're standing at the edge, and your body and mind scream out "no!!!" but the impulse almost convinces yourself that you want to do it. You have control over yourself, and you may hastily step back from the edge of the cliff, but might for a few minutes be scared and confused as to why you even had the impulse. This "impulse fear" is what drives the confusion in all obsessive compulsive behaviors, and is quite apparent in TOCD as well. The disorder comes with the thought of the impulse being persistent and intrusive, and not being easily dismissed by the obsessive mind. Instead of just being there, it serves to try to convince the person that maybe he did want to jump off the cliff, and maybe that is some actual reality for him. This does not fit with who the person is, and it causes confusion and mental disaster.

Porn addicts are the most likely to develop TOCD.
Due to normal porn not arousing John enough anymore he started to develop a fetish for watching it from a female first person point of view. Now John excessively worries about actually feeling like a girl and being trans. John has TOCD.
by JustKeepingItRealMan March 6, 2019
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A set of social roles that have developed over a long period of time and have allowed mankind to prosper into a society that treats people equally. While equality isn't perfect gender roles have no rationally explainable play in it's obstruction.
Gender roles, simply said are nature's most practical answer to efficient sharing of the work load.

Nature doesn't care about feelings, it doesn't care about what you think is right or wrong.
It only cares for survival, evolution and prosperity.

However, since men love women they have allowed and helped them to abolish gender roles to a certain degree and certain countries. This has drastically increased the rate of suicide, depression and other mental impairments.

The vast majority of people, without gender roles, are not happy. Some selected individuals stand to benefit from it, that are happy with it.

The moment a goverment can not support this artifical gender-neutral environment anymore and people are on their own, gender roles will be back in full force and people will be happy about it.

Just because people have different responsibilities, different things they are better at than others doesn't mean that they are less important.
Because ten-thousand-something people didn't like gender roles they forcefully subjected Millions and Millions of people to their pseudo-scientic ideology.
by JustKeepingItRealMan March 8, 2019
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A figure of speech for calling out a hypocrite. For shaming someone because they accused someone else on something the accuser is also accountable for.
Democrat: Man I hate Repulicans.
Republican: Yeah, I don't like you Democrats either.
Democrat: You are a hateful bigot for saying that.
Republican: Okay. And you are a pot calling a cattle black
by JustKeepingItRealMan March 8, 2019
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