17 definitions by Jotaku

1.a girl with tits like pickels
2.to tits with nippels that look like they have been pickled.
Look that girl has been in the water so long, it looks like she has pickle tits.
by Jotaku December 22, 2004
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1.A cute saying for clitoris.
2.A word that could be used with inuendo.
It's hard to find, but when you do, push it and it's BLAST OFF BABY!^_^ guys PLEASE take note.
by Jotaku December 22, 2004
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An anime. One that I find to be quite interesting, and entertaining.
Go check out Bastard, it isn't the best, but it'll have you quite pleased!
by Jotaku December 22, 2004
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A annoying person who fucks with you, but you still like them.
Keshia:Hey, do you have some gum?
Me:No, now go away you fuck box!
by Jotaku February 14, 2005
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1.cool,awsome,tubeular,even great
2.stupid word to describe something tight,clean,badass,or throwed, which are also stupid words.
Poser:"Good Charlotte are so kickass! They rox my sox!"
Some1 with a brain:"Shut the hell up before I kick YOUR ass!"

Poser:"Hot Topic is SOOOOOOOO kickass."

Some1 with a brain:"Yeah, about six years ago."

Nuff said.
by Jotaku December 20, 2004
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1.knot made so that it will slip along the rope or line around which it is tied. 2.knot made so that it can b undone easily by pulling on either of the free ends. This is the real definition of the word slipknot, not the band that all the kids who think they are goth listen to.
"Goth" Kid:Slipknot isn't a real word, it's the hardcorest fucking band alive
Me:It is a real word; go look it up in Webster, you fucking dick suck.
by Jotaku December 20, 2004
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to fuck in the butt. It's that simple people....that butt fucking simple.
Or a stupid person....who butt fucks
"Shut up you butt fuck!" or "Stop butt fucking, my mom is going to smell it"
by Jotaku December 20, 2004
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