18 definitions by JohnnyAZ

A skanky twink; a slightly sleazy slender gay boi.
A: Have you met Mike's new boyfriend?
J: Nuh-uh.
A: Total skink.
J: Gee, how surprising. Where'd they meet?
A: The kid was hustling outside Wal-Mart.
by JohnnyAZ May 28, 2006
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Used in reference to a fraternity boy who secretly enjoys man-on-man action.

Kappa Alpha Shhs are hard to spot because a) in person they display classic frat boy good looks and classic, drunken frat boy behavior, and b) online, they either have no pics or a pic of them snapped at a party, beer in one hand, the other making a feeling fist, with their face cut out mask their identity.
J: Dude, these totally hot guys just moved in next door.
T: Kappa Alpha Shh?
J: Damn, I hope so!


T: What's with the smile?
J: Just got some awesome head in the library basement bathroom.
T: Kappa Alpha Shh?
J: Yeah, poor guy. But man can he slob!
by JohnnyAZ May 12, 2006
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Verb or Noun: The act of grabbing someone someone's chin/cheeks between the thumb and fingers and squeezing/shaking her/his face in an moment of overwhelming affection (or the result of said act), usually performed by grandmothers and great aunts to a mensch or by old drunk queens to anyone within reach.
Aunt Marge walked in, got all verklempt and gave Akiva a love cup so fierce he had bruises on his cheeks for three days.
by JohnnyAZ May 1, 2006
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Describes most new-construction neighborhoods or subdevelopments, characterized by cookie-cutter clone-homes and a morass of winding, interconnected, dead-end streets and cul-de-sacs, most of which have essentially the same name: Place del Gato, El Gato Lane, El Gato Drive, Campo de Gato Avenue, etc.

Note: Always be sure to carry water when entering a McNeighborhood as it may be a while before you find your way back out.
Jake: I'm so fucking annoyed.

John: What's up?

Jake: I just wasted two hours looking for take-out.

John: Slow day on the Net, huh?

Jake: No, I hooked up there right off the bat, but then drove around for an hour looking for the damn house and never found it.

John: Fucking McNeighborhoods!

Jake: Fucking Cabeza-del-Gato-Stravenue-bottom-bois!
by JohnnyAZ May 11, 2006
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