2 definitions by Johncl27

The Chad Based and Redpilled Empire Owned by Emperor Malaz aka “Emperor M” Battling the Brigades of Gang Shisha, Abu Ibrahbeem and Abu Gaynon. Join the Malazian Army today.
Yo did you hear about the based and chadpilledMalazian empire” “yeah dude Malazian empire is based, I’m a solider in it”.
by Johncl27 November 14, 2020
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The most Stronkest and Chad Empire ever seen, in the process of fighting Abu Ibrahbeem and Abu Gaynon. Malaz AlTabbaa is the Emperor, the based Chadpilled man. 670 followers and growing on IG, and an army of supporters ready to conquer Murtadeen and Ibrabeem
Wow dude, did you hear about the Malazian Empire” , “Oh yeah I did, Malazian Empire is so Based and Redpilled, I love Malaz”.
by Johncl27 November 13, 2020
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