4 definitions by John Linden

Emergency Use: A paper towel or napkin used for a woman's period.
"Do you have a pad?"
"Oh, crap" Grabs a bar napkin and runs to ladies room.
Hence, Vagina Napkin.
by John Linden October 25, 2006
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Sunday Night.

A small party or gathering of people that drink from 40 oz. of beer instead of cases and kegs and listen to music. It is the party goers' choice to drink from 40's, not because of lack of money; however, that can also be the case.

Common to some of suburbia.

It is not uncommon to see couples slow dancing during the later hours of these gatherings.

Variations of the term: 40-Night, 40 Night, and 40NA.

Though not exclusive to Sunday nights, that is when this type of party originated.
40night = 40's of beer + fun people
by John Linden October 25, 2006
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A non-comedian person who tries to be funny by playing on words. Tends to reuse jokes that worked the first time over and over again.
Play on Words Comedian:
Picks up a battery and asks "what's the charge?"
by John Linden October 25, 2006
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A game played on the streets with cars. Two people in each car: one driver and one chaser. A group of car owners get together and drive around neighborhoods chasing after each other. At red lights, deadends, or traps the chaser jumps out of the car and tags another participating car. He/she then jumps back in their assigned vehicle and drives away. The tagged car is now "it". The game continues until one gets pulled over by the police or people run out of gas money.
Car Tag is a real game played by real people and ticketed by real cops.
by John Linden October 25, 2006
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