4 definitions by Jim Wright

adj. speech or behavior that is over the top, unhinged, self-destructive, or a threat to others.

Condition may be temporary (e.g. "Dad went all batshit crazy on me when he saw the cell phone bill") or prolonged ("Adolph Hitler was a batshit crazy megalomaniac responsible for the deaths of millions in 20th-century Europe.")

see batshit, batshit fucking insane
Did you see what Maureen wrote last week? Girl's been batshit crazy ever since Michael dumped her.
by Jim Wright August 9, 2006
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To act in a manner that is so extreme and unhinged in the act of Frisching that batshit crazy simply doesn't cut it.
It was bad enough when she wouldn't lay off the kid. But pissing off a Navy SEAL and the guy who drafts the restraining order? She's gone batfrisch crazy!
by Jim Wright August 6, 2006
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That layer of odor in shoes or other frequently-worn article of clothing that remains no matter how much you air it out.

Like permafrost in the Antarctic, only with stench.

Also: permafunky, permafunked
T: Honey, it's time for a new pair of slippers.
M: But why? They're comfortable!
T: Remember when Woofie would bring them to you every night?
M: Yeah. Good times.
T: He buried them today. The permafunk was too much even for him.
by Jim Wright August 9, 2006
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That layer of odor in shoes or other frequently-worn article of clothing that remains no matter how much you air it out.

Like permafrost in the Antarctic, only with stench.

Also: permafunky, permafunked
T: Honey, it's time for a new pair of slippers.
M: But why? They're comfortable!
T: Remember when Woofie would bring them to you every night?
M: Yeah. Good times.
T: He buried them today. The permafunk was too much even for him.
by Jim Wright August 10, 2006
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