55 definitions by Jenna

to jack off into a kleenex.
stop gazing at me and go clobber the kleenex asshole!
by Jenna April 6, 2003
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the oc on fox wed. nights is the best show ever
by Jenna April 14, 2004
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1) expression of a positive.
2) an adjective to praise an object, being, feeling or event.
Last Christmas was grandtastic.
by Jenna January 2, 2004
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Hot polish stud who enjoy long walks on the beach and gold fish
Krzysztof enjoys females.
by Jenna December 5, 2003
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A Ned is a Non Educated Delinquent. They are usually in groups of about 10-20 and call themselves "Teams, Fleetos and Bundys". They are all weak and only "fight" in groups and by "fight" i mean "slashing or "chibbing" or using any other instrument other than their fists. Dress-sense-wise most have a Berghaus jacket (usually stolen from someone they have attcked) complete witha burberry hat tuned to the moon and bright white socks pulled over joggers covered in "bommers". A "bommer" being a small hole burned from smoking hash in a joint. Female nedettes referred to as Sengas are pretty much the same although they have 5 rings on average on each finger complete with fake gold earrings. They hang around the streets looking for a fight , stealing cars and drinkin cheap booze usually "buckie" or the really poor, "Merrydown" or even a cheap bottle of cider costing about £1.50 a litre. They have poor vocabulary , usually because the dropped out of school at the age of 12. Unemployed little "hairies" their mothers couldn't care less about them as they're usually herion addicts themselves. No life ahead of them except alcholism , abuse and homelessness.
" Wit u fuckin lookin it ya fuckin fanny ? "
"Am gonny chib you ya dafty ! "
" ... Fleeto numba wan , runnin the show ! "
by Jenna July 23, 2004
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a chewy form of hardened urine. Or a block of deteriorating fecies.
I nibbled on a delicious peechew today!
Would you like to suckle some pee for a peechew?
by Jenna July 7, 2004
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