3 definitions by Jehannum

A 1 star moron is someone who gives a product a negative review for reasons that are not the fault of the product itself. Usually badly-worded, misspelled and lacking punctuation, these reviews often arise from the reviewer not having read the instruction manual or having had delivery problems. In some cases the reviewer has not actually seen or used the product at all.
When reading product reviews I usually read the negative ones first, mentally filtering out the 1 star morons.
by Jehannum October 15, 2015
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When you are confident enough in a friendship to fart in front of the other person without embarrassment from either party
Arran and I go way back. We're on farting terms.
by Jehannum August 27, 2015
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(noun) acronym of Good At First Glance Only. A person who you are initially attracted to but, as you look more closely, you then find unattractive.
Cameron Diaz came on and I thought, "wow!", but she's just a GAFGO.
by Jehannum August 30, 2013
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