28 definitions by Jeffrey

Publisher of the right-wing rag, "National Review". USed ironically becuase it rhymes with "Chuckley", which is to laugh a lot for no reason, which is what you get when you smoke weed.
"Dude, we smoked some killer doobi last night and got all William F. Buckley."
by Jeffrey March 26, 2004
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One half of this miracle we call life.
by Jeffrey September 16, 2003
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The most expensive puppet ever built, costing nearly a billion dollars to install and most of the budget surplus and U.S. international borrowing power to maintain. Most of the technology expense has gone into the cost of the giant invisible strings attached to Bush's hands and feet which half the country can't see. The strings can only be pulled by giant corporations and a couple of Bush's associates, including Dick Cheney.
"How do they make GEORGE W. BUSH seem so lifelike and real?"

"I don't know, man, we all know he's a PUPPET."
by Jeffrey August 14, 2005
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Canadian slang for 'oh well'.
Meh, I didn't like it anyways.
by Jeffrey February 6, 2005
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done been fucked yo momma bout fiddyleven times shawty
by Jeffrey October 16, 2003
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a species of hairy malay guys of the east coast. usually of royalty.
hey i think i saw a big foot! nah its just matreh.
by Jeffrey May 26, 2004
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VD is nothing to CLAP about.
by Jeffrey January 22, 2004
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