10 definitions by Jeanyis

A friend group is a collection of people from one part of your life, who don't necessarily know people from your other friend groups.
1. "This is going to be fucked tonight, like 3 of my friend groups are all blending at this party."

2. "I can't believe my co-workers, my BFF from grade school, and my grrls are all going to be here tonight. How random! I hate it when my friend groups collide - aarrggh!
by Jeanyis June 10, 2008
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A type of women's shoe that communicates a very sexy, yet trashy overall appearance and body language. They generally add a certain sashay sway to the booty when walking.

Stilleto heels over 3" or clear platform shoes automatically qualify.
1. (Sarcastically) "Dude, where'd you pick up that lady?"
"Shit dawg, you see those hooker heels? Baby got bread!"

1. (Homegrrl walks in on crutches)
"DAAAAMMNNN beezee, what happen?"
"Took a header off my hooker heels last night and sprained my ankle foo!"
by Jeanyis June 11, 2008
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