13 definitions by Jazzual

A hot dog smothered in A-1 Steak Sauce. Basically for broke folks who can't afford to eat steak.
If I close my eyes, I can almost imagine I'm eating steak, instead of a coney filet.
by Jazzual August 4, 2011
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A variation of the traditional "Snakebite" shot, where one licks salt from their hand, takes a shot of tequila and chases with a lime slice.

The Idiot Snakebite is a snort of salt up the nostril, shot of tequila and a squeeze of lime juice in one's eye.
Taking an Idiot Snakebite is a clear sign that you've had too much to drink.
by Jazzual October 21, 2013
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A good pair of sweatpants. A pair that you might consider wearing in public.
I had to run to the gas station down the road, so I put on my dress sweats and headed out.
by Jazzual January 23, 2013
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Pubic hair shaved quickly before going out, leaving uneven patches behind, thus, giving the appearance one might find in a cancer patient whose hair is falling out.
Dude, my pubs look like a chemo patient's! I'm never going to get laid with this cancer bush...
by Jazzual June 15, 2011
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When someone comes up behind you and gives you a hug around the waist.
Aunt Judy came up behind me when I wasn't looking and gave me a Heimlich hug. She nearly squeezed the life out of me.
by Jazzual May 14, 2015
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An alcoholic beverage consisting of 1/2 Iced Tea and 1/2 Miller High Life. Add lemon, if desired.

Inspired by the popular Arnold Palmer drinks, hence the name.
Bro #1: "Drinkin' Arnold Palmer's all day is great, but by the end I'm craving something to get me AFU..."

Bro #2: "Dude, you've got beer and we can make iced tea - pour that shit together in one of those orange Gatorade jugs!"

Both bros, together: "Alcoholic Arnie's!"

bro hug
by Jazzual July 29, 2011
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A sexual act. When your partner puts both your penis and balls in their mouth. An all-inclusive blowjob. Officially called a "blowjunkin."
My girl was so hot for me last night, she attempted to give me a junkin in the parking lot.
by Jazzual June 25, 2012
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