4 definitions by Jaytex

an unsavory byproduct, usually produced by or on a part of the human body
I was preparing to go down, but was deterred by the schmagma I found.
by Jaytex March 12, 2003
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to frequent a night spot for the sole purpose of meeting and engaging obese prospects for sex.
We're going to The Ritz to harpoon a fresh catch. Wanna come?
by Jaytex March 12, 2003
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a particularly attractive or tasty set of genitalia.
We hit the Motel 6 and I had loinfruit for breakfast.
by Jaytex March 12, 2003
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an old lesbian, esp. one with outdated MO; inferring a dinosaur-like status
I thought Sheryl was setting me up with a hottie, but I ended up spending the evening with some ol' lickalottapus.
by Jaytex March 12, 2003
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