4 definitions by Jas..

A small vehicle used for transporting Trats to various destinations.
Person 1: "Oh no! There is an injured bird in trouble!"
Person 2: "Quick! To the tratmobile!"
by Jas.. June 13, 2008
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to engage in flirty, playful behaviour, usually leading to sexual activity.
Guy: "How did last night end up?"
Friend: "We met for coffee but she was gagging for it so I took her back to mine for some mango tango"
by Jas.. June 13, 2008
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to be clearly delusional, usually with regard to the a person's physical appearance.
"I think she is so hot.."
"Umm clearly you were born with rocks in your head!"
by Jas.. June 13, 2008
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to ejaculate, usually in an inappropraite time or place.
Omg you just razzed on my face!!!
by Jas.. June 13, 2008
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