11 definitions by Jaggsokc

A congressman who sexually harasses a male staffer including 'tickling', groping or 'hair-tossling'
When his male staffer that he should be "chasing" after the bridesmaid at the wedding party, the Massa-fracker, representing the state of NY, suggested instead that he should be "fracking" the male staffer, before groping him and tossling his hair.
by Jaggsokc March 10, 2010
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Drug paraphernalia that is sold online (i.e. eBay).
We went online to make a bid on Michael Phelps's e-bong.
by Jaggsokc February 11, 2009
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noun, the female version of rudeness and obstinence (e.g. dick) that is usually applied to a man. Similar to bitch, but with a masculine flavor.
Jenna's still wearing that necklace you gave her, even after she dumped you. What a Girl-Dick!
by Jaggsokc September 21, 2008
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An Escalade SUV that is obviously a lemon, or at least lemon-y, like the soft drink "Fresca".
After the 5th malfunction in as many weeks, We had my Frescalade towed back to the Cadillac dealership with instructions for them to "keep it".
by Jaggsokc March 24, 2010
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like scapegoat, refers to the common act act of blaming a airplane crash on a flock of birds or geese, specifically.
Jack: On the news, they said the culprit in the plane that crash-landed on the Hudson River was a flock of birds that got sucked into the engine after take-off, and not pilot-error.

Jim: It's so convenient to make the birds the Scapegeese!
by Jaggsokc January 25, 2009
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When you invite someone over under the pretext of watching Netflix, like Netflix and Chill, but you lure them unwillingly into a sexual act in a Cosby-esque manner, with the help of medications and alcohol.
Jane would never date a guy like Ted. His only hope to score with her would be to get her drunk and use the "Netflix and Bill" approach.
by Jaggsokc January 1, 2016
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A man who follows and never misses an episode of the Housewives of Atlanta, New Jersey or Orange County or the Desperate Housewives series in the way other men follow the Superbowl or are interested in Pornography.
Jack was officially ''outed" as a House-hag the moment his wife caught him Tivo-ing Desperate Housewives, so he could watch it when she was out shopping.
by Jaggsokc December 19, 2010
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