3 definitions by JFLV

Toxic Narcotic is a heavy punk band originating in Boston, Mass. So heavy, in fact, Toxic Narcotic is probably the heaviest you can get without being metal. They have a lot of songs about saving the environment. They also sing about politics and society.
by JFLV January 15, 2005
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A member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints that actively follows and participates in their religion. This phrase traces its origin back to Las Vegas. Opposite of jack mormon
1: Is Katie coming to the party this weekend?
2: no dude, she's a molly mormon.
by JFLV November 16, 2004
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A person who is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormon), but doesn't follow their religion. They might get drunk and participate in pre-marital sex. This phrase traces its origins to high schools in Las Vegas. Antonym: molly mormon
1: Taylor got wasted at Steve's party last weekend.
2: I thought she was Mormon!
1: She's a jack mormon.
by JFLV November 16, 2004
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