3 definitions by JCB123

A poo tower is the structure created when multiple people use the same toilet without flushing or adding paper. This is normally done as a pre-organised event in a location with more than one cubicle so that as one person poos another can be wiping in the other cubicle. This method also minimises risk of your poo tower being destroyed by a passing cleaner who has a general level of emnity for poo architecture.
Ed: guys, i'm totally board but i've been brewing up a biggy so lets go make a poo tower.

Jo, Josh and Jack: sure thing boss

Sam: me and the guys had nothing planned for the weekend so we went for a poo tower pb.

James: dude, i just tried to go to the loo but i chundered as soon as i got in there. wTF is that smell

Bob: oh yeah sorry about that. me and the fellas decided we needed some male bonding so we built a poo tower.
by JCB123 June 22, 2010
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a gangbang is a gangbang made up of 7 men and one woman. this isn't a gangbang in the traditional sense but rather one where the men take it in turns, one at a time. the order in which the men take their turn is done vaguely by penis size (the two compulsory positions are shortest first and longest fifth). these sorts of gangbangs are normally characterised by the female component getting tired after the fourth guy and the seventh guy verging on impotence. also the sixth should make her cry.
Guy1: wanna be part of my weekly gangbang?

Guy2: what kind of gangbang?
Guy1: it's gonna be a harry potter gangbang?
Guy2: No way. they take ages. plus aren't you getting a bit old for that shit.
by JCB123 July 21, 2010
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like a normal party but with more computers, less alcohol and no girls.
I didn't go to Ted's party because I had a LAN party planned. I feel sorry for Ted having to spend all his time groping clunge and getting his buzz on when he could have been capturing the flag and pwning n00bs like me.
by JCB123 November 27, 2010
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