1 definition by J.J.098658

cropped (past tense verb) - to crop someone from a photograph; can also be used in present tense: when one has a photograph that is an unusually good picture of one, but, unfortunately, also includes someone else that is either ugly; someone that one does not like; or, in the case of using the picture for myspace/facebook profile picture purposes, simply in the way
Look, you're my friend, but I totally cropped you from that graduation picture - I needed it for my facebook profile!

If Brittany weren't in this picture, it would be awesome. I guess I'll have to crop her ugly-ass face out.

I look awesome in that picture we took at the bar last night, but I'm going to have to crop James from the picture - I can't stand him anymore!
by J.J.098658 March 6, 2009
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