8 definitions by Infrared1011

A material found in the book 'Captain Underpants and the Saga of Sir Stinks-a-lot'. this is a piece of a planet called 'smart earth' (earth but everyone is a genius) that lands on normal earth after smart earth explodes. The small fragment of Zygo

gogizizzle 24 lands in Ohio, where the gym teacher for 'Horwitz elementary school' eats it, thus become highly intelligent
A small fragment of zygo gogizizzle 24 landed in the fish pond and now they are swimming in schools!
by Infrared1011 October 17, 2022
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The Name is pretty descriptive already lol

but if you need to know...........

The Glocinaryputlocinary reacted to a high pressure change thanks to the gigaboltimatio (specifically the Moltozypollio part) creating a sub-trioacular mulitiloafwaxernalitiousing change in the Zoltomagnofitros Fluxiriator. This is a very dangerous event and can only be avoided by the immediate use of the nearest Plyoxinatiator which will cool down the gigaboltimatio before it becomes too radioactive and blows up all of earth, the milky way, The 99th galaxy of the orizonish belt, including the sub-0-N-triplanets in the Multicravosculor region of the 56th Trion, despite their natural defense from the Axiltoniyontian generator in their cores that deters radiation.

Phew, i can breath now!

There was a Extremely Radioactive GIovinaryputlocinary reaction after the Moltozypollio part of the gigaboltimatio began to melt down, therefore creating a sub-trioacular mulitiloafwaxernalitiousing change in the Zoltomagnofitros Fluxiriator that happened in the lab yesterday! Thanks goodness the Plyoxinatiator was there to cool it down
by Infrared1011 November 11, 2021
Get the Extremely Radioactive GIovinaryputlocinary reaction after the Moltozypollio part of the gigaboltimatio began to melt down, therefore creating a sub-trioacular mulitiloafwaxernalitiousing change in the Zoltomagnofitros Fluxiriator mug.
A very dangerous gorilla, do not approach.......... also why did you search this up??
see that explosion - that would be the Tactical Nuclear Assult-Type Heavily Armoured Gorilla we tested out against a tank :)
by Infrared1011 May 25, 2021
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The Name is pretty descriptive already lol

There was a Extremely Radioactive GIovinaryputlocinary reaction after the Moltozypollio part of the gigaboltimatio began to melt down, therefore creating a sub-trioacular mulitiloafwaxernalitiousing change that happened in the lab yesterday! Thanks goodness the Plyoxinatiator was there to cool it down
by Infrared1011 November 11, 2021
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someone who looks up their name in the urban dictionary
'that guy is looking his name up in the urban dictionary - must be a tim!'
by Infrared1011 May 25, 2021
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'oi' is an expression used locally among many Australians and the English. 'oi' can have several different meanings, including but not limited to:

- look here!
- get away from that
- stop!
- Hi!
- get back here!
- that looks cool
- nice
- woah

there are several different meaning for the word 'oi', I could not fit them onto one list. But here you can see a few.
Oi! What are you doin'? Oi! Stop that! Oi! get back here!
by Infrared1011 February 28, 2022
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God at minecraft

he beat hero brine 1v1 on Roblox Fortnite no cap

get on fort or felix be under your bed

goofy ahh
by Infrared1011 March 2, 2023
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