1 definition by Heero_Yamato

Hondas's original sports car. The NSX was introduced in 1991, and when it was introduced, it outperformed all cars in its day. 0-60 mph in 4-8 seconds, all aluminum body, transverse mid engine rear wheel drive, civilized in everyday driving... Ferrari, Porsche, Corvette, etc. all bowed down to its might.

Unfortunately, since it was introduced, it wasn't updated. Nowadays, you can find a C6 corvette which could outperform the nsx on the straights. However, the nsx is still a favorite for anyone looking for an extremely durable and well balanced machine.There will be an update soon (2007-2008), and you can bet that it will be killer.
Americans like straight line speed, but once you get into the corners, you can't beat the NSX. For a 290 HP car (280 PS in Japan), its speed of 0-60 in 4.8 seconds means that it is incredibly balanced through the corners, and exit corner speeds were greater then the cars with 400+ hp. Balance is key in racing, and in this regard, the NSX was awesome
by Heero_Yamato January 6, 2005
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