29 definitions by HappyHenry35

1. used for confirmation of a positive vote on the urbandictionary website.
You voted thumbs up for "faggots without practice" . It will be added soon. Then you click "fo sho".
by HappyHenry35 June 16, 2004
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Doctor of Osteopathy - a system of medical practice based on a theory that diseases are due chiefly to loss of structural integrity which can be restored by manipulation of the parts supplemented by therapeutic measures (as use of medicine or surgery)
My primary care physician is a Doctor of Osteopathy.
by HappyHenry35 July 11, 2004
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what you'd be if you had the skin from your circumcision sewned to hold your eyes open.
by HappyHenry35 June 26, 2004
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(n) - the pyschological feeling of empowerment one possesses from purchasing and drinking a Yuppie-style beverage.
Guy 1 : "I feel awesome! I can take on the day!"

Guy 2: "Considering you are holding that frozen mocha, sounds like you got some coffeedence!
by HappyHenry35 April 3, 2009
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Because my girlfriend's asshole had too much shit in it, I had no choice but to double dip.
by HappyHenry35 June 25, 2003
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1. the road that leads to diabetes and obesity when taken.
Don't go down Hershey Highway. It has too many carbs.
by HappyHenry35 July 3, 2004
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what Martha Stewart teaches you how to do on her show.
I watched Martha Stewart Living this morning. She taught me how to toss a salad.
by HappyHenry35 June 29, 2004
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