5 definitions by HAB

A loser that has no clue what is going on.
"Wayne is such a Jankey Shemp, Sherta told him she would give him some play if he bought her that cellie- and he beleived her"
by HAB October 25, 2006
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A person who belives it is still 1980.
A man who wears rocker clothing circ 1985 in current era and associated male/female cronies. May be found tusseling his feathered hair, calling his gf babe, hoping into his IROC, or listening to Bon Jovi.
by HAB October 25, 2006
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Sally just ripped a big pooda.
by HAB October 25, 2006
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Bob is a real merfer.
by HAB October 25, 2006
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The act of sword fighting with friends in a non-homosexual way.
Dude! We were totally Jingledinking at the last D-Club meeting; it was awesome!
by HAB February 2, 2014
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