1 definition by Guess6667

Phony ; Slang = punk ass bitch

A phony is a person, typically in high school or college, but they can be anywhere, who openly judges people, spreading half truths, falsehoods or disseminating personal information (i.e. Gossip) in exchange for advancing their social statuses and continuing the repression of certain things in your subconscious that lead you to feel the need to denigrate people (such as repressing sexual confusion by harassing students who are gay, lesbian, transgender or bisexual.)

The only way a phony is rehabilitated is through karma, where the alienation and defamation they've forced on those who do nothing to deserve it bites them in the ass, whether because they've learned they can't get a job just by appealing to the baser instincts of insecure people and selling out your friends, when the suffering they have incurred on others leads their victims to lead miserable lives which often end up cut short, and when they go past college age, can no longer use their popularity to wiggle away from Johnny law.

These struggles then lead phonies to realize the extent of how much they have hurt other people for petty reasons and then decide to come to terms with what they have repressed.
Man, that douchebag is such a phony, selling himself and his friends down the river for some temporarily boosted social status.
by Guess6667 August 10, 2011
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