4 definitions by GrungeElf

Think of all those peeps you've heard say dumb things like "I hate everyone equally."
Picture how weak of an argument that is, because it's usually a follow up to something racist or inclusive.
Vis a vis, lacking balls.
I hate everyone discrotumately
by GrungeElf July 28, 2018
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An text based emoticon that is almost the same as :/ but with a little more disgruntled flavor.
Boy: My grandpa died last week
Girl: Aw :z
by GrungeElf June 4, 2007
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And idiom used to to express a lack of desire for a specific occurrence.

Similar usage as "God forbid," and/or "Heaven forbid."
Originating from the Novel "Brave New World," by Aldous Huxley.
In Aldous Huxley's novel "Brave New World," Henry Ford was revered as a deity-like figure.
This is referenced in the line "...Ford forbid that he should get the idea into his head."
Numerous other lines throughout the novel use Ford in a similar manner.
by GrungeElf April 19, 2013
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When you are a member of a local band, that no one is fond of. The act of being hobtrossed, is when your entire band "quits" but reforms without you under a different name.
Billy- "Jeez, I think I got hobtrossed the other day."

Tommy- "How so?"

Billy- "Well I used to be in Secondhand Goatwaltzing Face but everyone quit, and then reformed as Goatwaltzing on Second Hands Face, but they didn't invite me."

Billy- "Tough break man..."
by GrungeElf August 30, 2009
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