1 definition by GoodNeff

A rare feeling. This is the feeling you get when you realize how amazing your life is. It could be achieved in many different ways depending on who you are, but it is never achieved through drugs. For some people it is getting an adrenaline rush , for others it is simply watching the clouds go by on a nice day. The results may vary, but no matter what your always happy. You'll often find your self cheesin' for no reason and have an indescribable feeling flowing through your body.

For me, I often find myself high on life when I am sitting back in chair on a December night when off school. I will be sitting next to my fireplace in my dark living room, no one else awake, just watching the snow fall out my window. It is at these times I truly appreciate family, friends, and everything life offers. I have yet to experience a better feeling.
Guy 1: Hmm... You know what? I fucking love life!
Guy 2: Looks like your high on life. Enjoy it while it lasts...
by GoodNeff June 5, 2012
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