2 definitions by GhstChild


The act of gathering raw and ready made materials to create a 3D object from a 2Dreference.

Cosplay are referenced from not just Japanese anime or manga but from video games and even american comics.

Cosplay can be anything from weapons to clothes to even automotives or animals.

The skills required to complete a finished "Cosplay" include anything from: sewing, woodcraft, knitting, sculpting, metal working, painting, fabric dying, hair styling etc.

A large component of cosplay is the understanding of composition and proportion so that the costume will look correct on yourself as it does the character you are trying to emulate.
My hobby is Cosplay
by GhstChild February 1, 2011
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Matthew Kacsmaryk
The faithful partisan hack Matthew Kacsmaryk applies the laws differently based on the party that appointed him with little grasp of logic or fairness.
by GhstChild March 18, 2023
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