6 definitions by Ghost.Buster.Girl

The best fucking Marvel character in existence and god damn you wish he was real. He would be a great friend and an even better boyfriend. Gentle and caring, afraid of harming you. Still living in the 90s and hating on technology, you would have to help him use anything that lit up. Somewhere around 90 years old, but who gives a shit. He's hot.
Holy fucking hell I wish Bucky Barnes was real, and not just in my dreams.
by Ghost.Buster.Girl November 15, 2017
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A word for a boy who won't stop FRICKING telling everyone that they're trash.
Boy: "You're trash bruh."
Girl: "And that makes you a turd!"
by Ghost.Buster.Girl January 5, 2017
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person: "Hi annoying orange!"
other person: "That's Donald Trump."
person: "Oh."
by Ghost.Buster.Girl January 6, 2017
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Pietro Maximoff's super-hero name. Quicksilver has the power of super speed and his sister, Wanda Maximoff AKA Scarlett Witch has the power of telekenisis.
"Hey look there go's Scarlett Witch and Quicksilver!!"
by Ghost.Buster.Girl January 6, 2017
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A piece of paper with random words on it and that if you don't finish in one minute it'll be homework.
by Ghost.Buster.Girl January 5, 2017
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