3 definitions by Ged Carroll

Someone who peddles drugs to a user
"She wasn't too bright, I told her I was an urban pharmacist, she replied that sounded like a job with prospects"
by Ged Carroll November 22, 2003
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To do a DJ set or mix
"I threw down a set last night at this party and rocked the spot
by Ged Carroll November 22, 2003
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Someone who consumes an excessive amount of MDMA on a regular basis as part of their night out. They will usually gurn like a lunatic and be completely unaware of their surroundings, often listen to old school, hardcore or cheesy anthems and wearing a shell suit
"I hate going to festivals there is always a bunch of Northern pill monkeys, half of which are on the rob to spoil it for everyone else"
by Ged Carroll November 22, 2003
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