7 definitions by Garnet

1. expression used when describing many emotions; different tones give this word different meanings

2. some random company in Silent Hill
1. Vowo man, my day sucked. Hey man, vowo I just got an A.

2. I work for VoWo companies.
by Garnet March 2, 2004
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Latin phrase literally meaning "Seize the Day." Has been overcome by idiots saying things such as swag, or yolo. Use this phrase to appear smarter than the common public.
Brandon: Hey, are you going to get the Playstation 4?

Colin: It's a possibility, but probably not...

Brandon: Hey, carpe diem, it could be too late when you want to get it later!

Colin: You're right, maybe I will get it!
by Garnet March 3, 2013
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1. A thunder God from the game Mortal Kombat. A favorite among many fans, he is one of the most powerful fighters in the game.

2. Top-down arcade shooter. Impressive graphics even out of its time.

3. Player character of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. Hated by Western audiences for his effeminate appearance, long hair, and supposed gayness. Main haters of him are just homophobes, and not one of their words are true. He later had a white blood transfusion from The Patriots, as well as a new cyborg body. Audiences gave him more acclaim after this new look.
1. My favorite character from Mortal Kombat is Raiden, his fatalities are awesome!

2. My favorite arcade game is Raiden X!

3. Whiner: Raiden is so gay!

Smart guy: No, Kojima wanted a more effemanate appearance for the appeal of Japanese women. Beside, how'd he get a woman pregnant if he were gay?

Whiner: He's blonde.

Smart guy: He's a ninja.

Whiner: COOL!
by Garnet March 15, 2013
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Nickname given to a boy, a long waited for young brother. Even though he is the youngest he is given the name because it hold so much weight and respect as it means “old man”. He grows up to be a gentle soul, very understanding and holds a true stature of a man though some might consider him a softy, it’s just his gentle heart.
Mudhara is very gentle
by Garnet November 24, 2021
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Sparkle punk, or sparklepunk, is a derivative of modern emo revival music, a genre played by bands like Snowing, The World Is A Beautiful Place And I Am No Longer Afraid To Die, and Algernon Cadwallader, that fuses pop punk musicianship with the traditional sound of emo revival.

Popular sparklepunk bands include Mom Jeans, JANK, and Donovan Wolfington.
Hey, Bart, what's your favorite genre of music? Mine's sparkle punk.
by Garnet April 3, 2017
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An addition to my other definition.
The duo has broken and repaired, but instead of Jon, Danny from NinjaSexParty joined. Fans are not pleased.
RubberRoss has also started a series with Danny on the Game Grumps channel as well, known as Steam Train. Instead of console games, the content it has is of computer games.
Ah man, Danny can never replace Jon in our Grump hearts!

Dude, Danny is a good addition to Game Grumps.
by Garnet June 26, 2013
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A let's play duo of Jon Jafari, or JonTron, and Arin Hanson, or Egoraptor. The channel has gained a large fanbase, and unlike other Let's Play channel fans, they are more accepting and do not rage if someone hates them. Games they have played are, to name a few, Goof Troop, Sonic the Hedgehog 2006, Castlevania 3, and Mega Man X7.
Game grumps is the greatest thing ever conceived!

Nah, I don't like it.

by Garnet April 8, 2013
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