3 definitions by GSGoldSoft

The first sets of keys a person usually learns in a keyboard. Home row is asdfghjkl; basically, it's the middle row of keys where your fingers should be set when they aren't being used. Your left hand: pinky on the a, index finger on the s, middle on the d, and pointer on the f. Right hand: Pointer on j, middle on k, index on l, and pinky on ;
"Hey man, I just learned home row!" "Holy crap! That is amazing!"
by GSGoldSoft March 9, 2004
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asdf's lesser known counterpart. Unlike the asdf itself, jkl; gets a lot less popularity.
asdf is one of the first keys I learned, the next set being jkl;
by GSGoldSoft March 9, 2004
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Something that disappeared as soon as people started making useless lawsuits and made huge gripes about nothing. Most likely disappeared around when George W became first elected.
The whole "under god" pledge of allegence thing probably killed the freedom of speech.
by GSGoldSoft March 9, 2004
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