29 definitions by GF

The anticipation phase starts the moment after taking a pill and lasts for 20 minutes to an hour, whilst you're waiting for it to kick in. This can be an exciting phase as you know something magical is coming at any moment but you don't know exactly when. There may be glimpses of it but this may also be the mind playing tricks before it really starts. For the more seasoned pill taker this moment may actually be 1 of frustration as they want to be there immediately.
Guy 1 "You there yet?"
Guy 2 "Nah still in the anticipation stage."
by GF August 20, 2007
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scally term used to say that somebody has told you something really 'daring' or whatever even if it isn't really.

See some sick guy
"So i said to the copper you stupidswinehound"
"you're sick, you"
by GF June 10, 2005
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Hailing from Hulme, Manchester, the Old Footage Lady is a 75 year old woman who happens to be the world's oldest clubber. Trotting round without a care in the world other than to raise money for the NSPCC from pissed students at Footage and other like bars, she has been out every night for the past 30 years and raised over 60 million pounds for charity. She appears to have a heart of gold, but recently, the pressure has been getting to her. Local thug Dean Blair has started to take advantage of her. Using her reputation for being a charity worker, he sends her out to do the same job but instead of the money going to charity, it helps Dean Blair launder money through his Salt'n'Battery Chip Shop. Recently she has been spotted getting out of Deans car right outside Footage. She no longer speaks to the clubbers as she is too frightened, instead extending her arm holding the collection box.

However, an incident occured last week that could have scarred the woman for life. A young unnamed lass was dancing wildly on the dance floor, unbeknowingstly charging into the Old Footage Woamn. sending her hurling to the ground. The Crowd let out an almighty gasp as they thought she was dead. She did however survive, and the young girl was launched out of the club by power hungry bouncers on an ego trip. Dean Blair, amazingly, did not allow her to go to hospital. Instead, he sent her back in to finish her nights work. The woman is finally thinking of hanging up her boots, but determination to raise at least a little extra than usual, so she can keep a bit to give to her old charities, is driving her forward.
"Hide ya change lad, the Old Footage Womans about!"
by GF March 22, 2007
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A brand of weed killer closely associated with predox. It kills all known weeds with little trouble leaving you with a nice green garden.
"Those fucking weeds in the garden! Get the weedox!"
by GF September 21, 2004
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One of those rare unique phrases which has no physical meaning however when uttered everyone in the vacinity knows what you mean.

Used in conjuction with something going wrong for somebody, usually as a result of your mischievous doing. Can be used with similar words like shell.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh Blarted you beanhead!" yelled Shahzhad as Ahmed tripped over a stool on the floor. Unbeknown to Ahmed, Shahzad had planted this stool in a compromising juxtaposition with the door, a few minutes previously as he hear Ahmed marching forth from the great beyond. Then for no reason Shahzad said "Lung fainted over a lung" and chortled to himself and said blarted again a few more times.
by GF July 12, 2006
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The nationally acknowledged time in which after leaving a seat unoccupied it is then acceptable for people to take your seat, usually in a pub or somewhere which has a variety of good chairs and bad chairs. Any attempt to do so before this is an illegal move and that person will have to leave the seat. Although this rule is acceptable amongst your group you are sat with, any attempt to utilise this rule with strangers is not seen as a good idea.
Ahmed "What you doin lad? That is my seat."
Swann "3 second rule. You were at the bar for 5 minutes."
Ahmed "Ah fair play mate. I'll just sit here instead then."
by GF May 13, 2006
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A pilly spliff is an invention that whilst not as good as the chingy spliff is still cool to do whilst at a party. This involves the use of crumbling an ecstasy tablet, AKA, an E into a joint of weed before rolling the joint. My preferred dosage of e for this is half a pill. Although I enjoy doing this, as I enjoy the taste of it, it has not been scientifically proven that it really has any efect when consumed in this method. 1 reason for this may be everytime I have done this I have already been under the influence of 1 or more pills, and the weed chills you the fuck out already whilst on that stuff so can't really tell. In fact i'd go as far as saying it is showing off!
Person 1 "Check this out i'm makin a pilly spliff!"
Person 2 "Bloody show off! Give me some."
by GF August 10, 2007
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