29 definitions by GF

Oxford Road is a road in Manchester that joins directly to Wilmslow Road providing transport throughout the city and nobody knows exactly where Wilmslow Road ends and Oxford Road begins.

Fed up with rural life, Roy Wilmslow decided he would begin building a road to travel through to the lively city centre. At the same time Andrew Oxford decided he would also build a road from Manchester to Didsbury. Without knowledge of the others plans, they wer shocked as half way through making their roads the two roads joined and the pair could not reach a decision other than to name both sides of the road and have it as 1 road.

Oxford Road is known for its more industrialised part of the road with its universities and clubs and BBC offices.

The remaining Wilmslow family still reside in Didsbury and pride themselves of their heritage. Every now and then power mad family members try to campaign to get the entire road named as Wilmslow Road which have been unsuccesful to date.
by GF November 18, 2006
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a lad who is a true swine
there's pirate ahmed, being a swine again.
by GF April 6, 2005
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Slang term for person. Usually used by violent thugs and hooligans when referring to another violent thug or hooligan. Can refer to either a friend or an enemy. See example below.
Fadi - "started beef with too many mandems so now i have to roll deep with my mandems"
by GF August 23, 2004
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Short for MDMA which in turn is short for Methylenedioxymethamphetamine. The most purest, cleanest chewmical in the world. Powdered form of the street drug ecstasy usually found in unclean, unpure pill form. Once you do this, you'll never wanr to touch another pull again. Swear down. However, it has a rather foul, vile taste, so is best taken wrapped in a rizla.
Guy 1 "Yo g you got any pills on ya?"
Guy 2 "Nah mate i don't do that shit, i got some MD though"
Guy 1 "Whats that?"
Guy 2 "The best thing you'll do in your life. Much better than cocaine
Guy 1 "Yeah man i'll try some"

Half an hour alter

Guy 1Nah man this is fuckin brilliant i'm never doin those awful pills again man!
by GF August 22, 2007
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that 1 distant uncle who you only see at big family gatherings who nobody particularly likes and who proceeds to annoy everyone.
"oh jesus here comes uncle knobhead, let's ignore him"
by GF August 29, 2005
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A person who digs through other peoples crap trying to find something of use, but usually ends up smelling like a pile of dung
"Wow, your child is quite the crap weasle!"

"I caught a crap weasle hanging out in my shitter"

"You smell like a crap weasle
by GF January 29, 2003
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A statement made to signify that what you speak is 100% the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Usually used when someone doesn't believe what you say, as it is bullshit, but this is used to try and make that person believe its true as its probably not.

What it actually means may derive from the old saying of "I swear on my mum's life!" which means absolutely nothing but some people think if that statement is said that they can't be lying.
"I swear down your honour, i didn't do it"

Nick: Did you know that Ahmed got arrested last night?
Keane: No he didn't.
Nick: Yeah man, swear down.
by GF November 30, 2006
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