7 definitions by Fruitfly

No, no, no, no, NO! You are all wrong! none of the definitions of "metrosexual" in UD are correct!

A metrosexual is a man or a woman that will only agree to commit sexual intercourse if it's inside or in the immediate vicinity of a metro.
*while on a subway*

Guy 1: Omg, did you see that? we just passed two people having sex!

Guy 2: No big deal, they are just metrosexuals.
by Fruitfly July 19, 2012
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Unlike Down Syndrome which causes a person suffering from it to have below average intelligence amongst other physical flaws, Bottom Syndrome causes a person suffering from it to be as stupid as humanly possible.
Mike: Man, john is just such a retard! does he have down-syndrome?

Richard: Actually, he's too stupid to have Down syndrome, i think he might have Bottom Syndrome.
by Fruitfly February 16, 2012
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After hours of playing the masochistic gamer's favorite - Dark Souls, and ofcourse, dying and dying and dying and getting raped by that dragon on the bridge and dying and dying and dying and dying and dying...

Did I mention you die a lot in this game?

Anyway, after a while of playing Dark Souls, encountering seemingly impossible boss fights, losing thousands of souls over dying and even starting a new character because your previous one had shitty statistics, you start to become REALLY rude and mean to everybody due to the built up madness caused by the above reasons, and when you finally manage to get through and feel immense joy, the people you offended might not share your joy.

Remember kids: Dark Souls is bad for your mental health.
Frank: Hey Joey, wanna go out for some pizz--


Frank: Geez! calm down! I think you might be developing the Dark Souls Syndrome!
by Fruitfly September 13, 2012
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A phenomenon commonly seen in the cubicles of cafe and restaurant restrooms, which have a tendency of not having urinals.

Someone walks in and takes a piss, hitting the toilet seat (whether by accident or on purpose, usually on purpose) and the janitor is unlikely to clean the piss due to being underpaid.

The next person walks in and sees the piss on the seat, and stands further away from the seat than the previous person for fear of touching the piss-covered seat.

Due to the increased distance from the toilet seat, the person is more likely to hit the seat with his piss.

Eventually people start hitting not only the seat but also the floor with their piss, leading people to stand further still from the toilet for fear of getting piss on their shoes, leading to an exponential increase in the saturation of piss on the toilet seat and floor and the distance people stand from the toilet, aswell as an exponential decrease in each consecutive visitor's stream accuracy and the likelihood of the janitors cleaning all the piss.

When complete saturation is reached, the janitors will either quit their jobs, commit suicide or make a prayer to janitor jesus to make all the piss go away. The latter option is usually how toilet seats are eventually cleaned.
I went to a public restroom today and the whole seat was covered in piss. Realizing that a toilet seat singularity was in play, I decided not to perpetuate the chain and to simply hold it in until I found a cleaner toilet or a urinal elsewhere.
by Fruitfly July 26, 2017
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Not quite a faggot, but a little more than a maggot.
Al is such a fagmaggot
by Fruitfly November 8, 2003
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A question that you ask yourself after browsing Urbandictionary for prolonged periods of time.

Warning - prolonged browsing of Urbandictionary may result in you knowing things that you really wish you could unknow, and in some extreme cases, may lead to Mega Ultra Super Aneurysm.
search "1000000000th base" just up there in the search bar if you really want the "What the fuck did I just read?" experience. It's some really vile shit, so you HAVE been warned.
by Fruitfly April 11, 2014
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