19 definitions by Freightrain47

To put an alcohol saturated tampon in the vagina to feel the effects of alcohol without actually drinking it. This desperate act is usually done to avoid detection by those who know you are a total drunk. The odor of alcohol will not be on the pinkers breath.
I was pinking in church this morning while sitting next to my grandma.
-Different uses
I was punk as hell last night.
I could use a pink bad!
by Freightrain47 June 24, 2014
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Bush Bridge occurs when a woman's pubic hair creates a bulge in her bikini or underwear. The pubic hair acts as a support structure creating a gap between her skin and fabric of her panties or swimwear . The bush bridge can be difficult to distinguish from a standard fat upper pussy area (fupa) but the visible texture of pubic hair through the fabric is the tell tale sign that you're seeing a bush bridge. Only certain fabrics and fits will create conditions in which bush bridge can exist, making it relatively rare.
Hey Mikey, look at the size of her bush bridge! She clearly doesn't trim that thing!
by Freightrain47 February 18, 2016
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Binocular used for the purpose of viewing the opposite sex in a creepy sexual way. The magnification of creepnocular allows a creep to see the subject of their desire much more clearly and creepily than with the naked eye. The creepnocular user will claim to be looking at bird life or a distant watercraft while actually enjoying a close up view of a young woman's bikini line.
Don't forget your creepnoculars when you go on a warm weather vacation.
I have an amazing view of that Cougar's side boob in my creepnoculars !
by Freightrain47 May 14, 2017
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A Cannonball is the act of indulging in one drug or alcohol then taking more right on top of that. It is not nearly as specific as most definers make it seem. Any time you use a drug or alcohol in rapid succession or simultaneously it can be considered a Cannonball. Even food can be cannonballed when you are eating your desert and scoop up some of your neighbors desert for a CANNONBALL!
Oh shit, Emily just cannonballed a Xanax bar on top of that suboxone!
Hey Mikey, cannonball that Patron' shot on top of that bowl you're smoking!
by Freightrain47 May 18, 2018
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Stick to the original plan. If communication breaks down or some other unforeseen question about the plan arises, stick to the original plan, no excuses.
We are meeting for dinner at 6 tonight, if you don't hear from me, keep to the code!

If you were supposed to be at work but some confusion arises about the job, keep to the code.
by Freightrain47 April 7, 2017
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The shady part of the internet. Not full on dark web but certainly questionable. The Grey Web is where you can find things like illegally powerful laser pointers that are mislabeled to appear safe, You can find nearly complete silencers for your gun that are labeled as "solvent traps", things like cell phone and WiFi jammers, and even erectile disfunction medications without a prescription. The Grey Web is where you get the types of things or information that is not illegal to possess necessarily but illegal to use, combine, or assemble.
"Where the hell did you get a universal key for a bulldozer dude?" I Found it on the Grey Web!
by Freightrain47 January 22, 2021
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Any controlled substance used while at work. Calling them “work drugs” is just an attempt to make it seem like doing drugs at work is a normal thing to be doing.
You seem a little high strung today Bill, did you get into the work drugs again?

Andy often used work drugs on days that he was hung over. . . doctors orders, don’t worry about it.
by Freightrain47 April 7, 2018
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