1 definition by Followeroftheold

The religion of the Old-Norse. Asatru is the name for the current reformation of the old religion that is primarily found in Scandinavia, Iceland, Greenland, Germany and the United States.
Followers of the Asatru faith tend to be of Norse descent.

Though it is a Neo-Pagan Religion, Followers of Asatru typically don't associate themselves the same as wiccans.
Many of the same gods found in Asatru are also found in Celtic Reconstruction Religions such as Druidry, as well as many holidays and religious customs (due to the fact that the two groups intermingled so much)
The family held a ritual to honor Odin in their yard, which made many of their neighbors curious and nervous.
When asked what religion the family was, they answered " Asatru "
by Followeroftheold June 12, 2013
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